Contribs for Aegir 7.x-3.x

1. Extensions to Hostmaster (frontend)

Hosting Git
This is a simple module for the Aegir project that adds a 'Git pull', 'Git checkout' and 'Git clone' task for sites.
The successor of Hosting site Git & Hosting platform Git
Hosting Platform Pathauto
This is an add-on module for the Aegir hosting system: This module simply makes a little time-saving tweak when creating a new platform: ...
Hosting tasks extra
This module extends Aegir hostmaster (and drush/provision) with some additional tasks. Such as: cache-clear and registry-rebuild.
Now also includes the functionality from Aegir HTTP basic authentication

2. Extensions to Provision (backend)

Starting from Aegir 7.x-3.x the Drush component can be included in a 'drush' directory in the same git repository as the hosting module.

Therefore this list will be shorter then for previous versions.