Aegir developer cheat sheet

1. Locations and paths

  • Site URI: d()->uri; // ex: $base_url = 'http://' . d()->uri;
  • Drupal root: d()->site // returns: /var/aegir/platform/drupal-6.20/
  • Site path: d()->site_path // returns: /var/aegir/platform/drupal-6.20/sites/

2. File permissions and ownership

 $ctools_path = d()->site_path . '/files/ctools';

 provision_file()->chmod($ctools_path, 0770, TRUE)
   ->succeed('Changed permissions of @path to @perm')
   ->fail('Could not change permissions @path to @perm')

 provision_file()->chgrp($ctools_path, d('@server_master')->web_group, TRUE)
   ->succeed('Change group ownership of settings.php to @path')
   ->fail('Could not change group ownership of settings.php to @path')

3. Enabling/disabling drush/provision extensions from hostmaster

Every drush extension can implement a hook_drush_load(), and check if a module is enabled in the hostmaster site. See provision.api.php for an example.

4. References