This site is a static archive of the Aegir community site. Documentation has moved to Other community resources can be found on the Contacting the community page.
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Home is the place for users of the Aegir hosting system to contribute to documentation and communicate with each other.

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This will search the issue queues across the various projects that make up the Aegir system. If there are no relevant results, please submit an issue there.

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Recent activity
Wednesday, May 20
Atrium Notebook 6:58pm helmo updated 3.0-beta2 release notes
Atrium Discussion 11:06am helmo commented on someone have aegir3 with ubecart or commerce module?
Atrium Discussion 11:00am helmo updated Discussion section CLOSED
Atrium Calendar 10:42am helmo posted 3.0-beta2 released
Saturday, May 16
Atrium Notebook 11:52am chriszz updated Universities using Aegir
Friday, May 15
Atrium Notebook 9:41pm ergonlogic updated Community coordination guide
Monday, May 11
Atrium Notebook 12:28pm bgm updated Provision CiviCRM
Monday, May 4
Atrium Discussion 8:16pm km updated database.sql file in site's root directory does not get deleted from remote web servers after site migrations
Thursday, Apr 30
Atrium Discussion 9:55am hulljas posted serving PHP from a non standard drupal directory
5:45am Mig5's Aegir Feed posted
Wednesday, Apr 22
4:01am Mig5's Aegir Feed updated Aegir at Drupal DownUnder
4:01am Mig5's Aegir Feed updated Zero-touch Drupal deployment with Jenkins, Aegir, Git, Fabric and Drush
4:01am Mig5's Aegir Feed updated Aegir at DrupalCon London
4:01am Mig5's Aegir Feed updated Talking Aegir/Jenkins at Drupal Melbourne July 12th 2011
4:01am Mig5's Aegir Feed updated Aegir subfolder support