Presentation videos

In this section of the handbook, we collate various footage of Aegir presentations and demonstrations for convenient access.


Feel free to add child pages and embed footage of Aegir that you may have found or demonstrated at a DrupalCamp, conference or meetup, or just to provide help to the community. Please try and follow the standards outlined in the other video pages, whereby the title includes the location, and the date and the name of the presenter is listed.

Note on deprecated videos

Please note that Aegir is a constantly evolving project under heavy development. Many of these videos contain footage and information that is deprecated (out of date or obsolete) compared to current versions of Aegir.

These older videos are maintained here for historical purposes, but should not be relied upon to successfully use or install Aegir. You should always refer to the Install documentation and the INSTALL.txt of the latest release of Aegir at the time you are reading this, as it is likely that much has changed since these videos were published.

Need help?

Always ask for help if you are not sure on how to install or use Aegir! These videos are a supplementary guide or demonstration of specific features only.

2010 DrupalCamp Montreal: Antoine Beaupré -- Aegir: One Drupal to Rule Them All

The Aegir Project's lead maintainer, Antoine Beaupré (anarcat), presents an overview of Aegir at DrupalCamp Montreal.

Date: October 23rd, 2010


2010 DrupalCamp LA - How Aegir Will Save Your Sanity

Date: August 2010
Presenter(s): John Fiala

2010 DrupalCon San Francisco - Aegir - One Drupal to Rule them All!

Date: May 2010
Presenter(s): Miguel Jacq, Antoine Beaupré

This session will illustrate the use of the Aegir hosting system to simplify the life of developers and administrators, by automating a lot of the common tasks involved in deploying sites.

Aegir is a distributed provisioning system for Drupal that allows you to manage thousands of sites across as many concurrent instances of Drupal on as many servers as you need. It's built on Drupal itself, so that your user interface to the system becomes a 'meta-drupal' site, with nodes representing all of your hosted sites and all of the components of your hosting environment.

If you have built your own custom niche application using Drupal, and need to be able to roll out new sites quickly and efficiently, as well ask keeping them up to date, this presentation is definitely for you.

If you have more than a handful of sites, and feel your hair stand on end every time a security release is announced, this presentation is for you.

Even if you only have a few sites, and would like to be able to spend less time on the tedious manual tasks associated with running a Drupal site over it's entire lifetime, you will still find something of use in this presentation.

If you've looked at Aegir in the past, and would like to get a sense of the progress made by the project (two major releases since Drupalcon DC), this presentation is a good way to get a grasp on where we are heading.

For more information on Aegir, check out the Aegir user group and keep up to date with the Aegir posts on

In Norse mythology, Aegir was the god of the oceans and if a Drupal site is a drop of water, Aegir is the deity of large bodies of water.

2009 DrupalCon Paris - Automate your maintenance troubles away with the Aegir hosting system!

Date: September, 2009
Presenter(s): Adrian Rossouw, Antoine Beaupré

2009 DrupalCon Paris - Aegir: Build Once, Deploy often: Real life use-cases

Date: September 2009
Presenter(s): Roel De Meester

2009 DrupalCon DC - Deploying and Maintaining Drupal Sites Using the Aegir Hosting System

Date: March 2009
Presenter(s): Adrian Rossouw

2008 DrupalCon Szeged - Deploying and maintaining Drupal sites using Aegir hosting system

Date: August 2008
Presenter(s): Adrian Rossouw

2009 Drupal Melbourne Meet Oct - Introduction to the Aegir Hosting System

Date: October 2009
Presenter(s): Miguel Jacq

2009 DrupalCamp Montréal - Aegir - One Drupal to Rule them All!

Date: October 2009
Presenter(s): Antoine Beaupré

2011 DrupalCon London -- Aegir Based Business Models

An Aegir Project documentation & community manager, as well as contrib developer, Christopher Gervais (ergonlogic), presents an overview of business models supported by Aegir, as well as a demo implementing a simple Software-as-a-Service platform.

Date: August 23rd, 2011


2011 DrupalCon London -- Aegir: One Drupal to Rule Them All

Two of the Aegir Project's maintainers, Antoine Beaupré (anarcat) and Steven Jones (darthsteven), present an overview of Aegir at DrupalCon London.

Date: August 24th, 2011

Alternative URL:


2014 Drupal Melbourne Meetup March 11 -- Web Stacks for local development

Brian Gilbert (@BrianGilbert_) of Realityloop regarding web stacks for local development, Aegir wins.

Date: March 11th, 2014


2009 Drupal Vancouver April meet - Automated Deployment with the Ægir Hosting System

Date: April 2009
Presenter(s): Robin Puga