Aegir core team

The Aegir maintainers are committers that have access to the code. They are responsible for specific parts of the project and are general go-to people for various things.

  • anarcat - release engineering, debian packaging, crazy late night coding splurges, general goto guy for everything
  • mig5 - testing, release engineering, migressions and general bugfixing
  • Steven Jones - documentation, queueing and contexts stuff, Drupal 7 port, general bugfixing
  • omega8cc - nginx support Provision Sandbox, Barracuda Project
  • ergonlogic - continuous integration testing, community site webmaster, documentation, general bugfixing, ubercart integration co-maintainer, SaaS contrib components

Other contributors

Those people have given significant contributions to the project but do not yet have complete commit access.

  • sfyn - documentation, community site webmaster, ubercart integration, quota API
  • helmo - many hairy patches
  • Deciphered - views integration and other patches
  • Jon Pugh - maintainer of devshop hosting/provision, provision_git, and tons of other contrib modules, submitter of many good patches)

Sorry if your name isn't here and you have done significant contributions!! Feel free to add it or contact us if you feel you have been forgotten...

All contributors of Aegir's history can also be found on's contributors page although that doesn't count patches that were sent in the issue queues.

Past contributors

  • vertice - project founder, retired
  • tbosviel - DNS support improvements
  • univate - views support and batch operations
  • seth.vincent - Google Summer of Code student, working on D7 port and DNS editor. Sandbox