Web clusters


Cluster module

This module is not very well documented.

Pack module

First, configure the remote server using those instructions. Then add yuor webserver to the frontend, and collect them in a pack.

On the filer:

apt-get install nfs-server
echo "/var/aegir/platforms,no_subtree_check)" >> /etc/exports

Then on the webserver:

apt-get install nfs-client
mount filer01:/var/aegir/platforms /var/aegir/platforms

Add this to your fstab: /var/aegir/platforms nfs rw,addr= 0 0

Then you're happy.


I am interested in a deployment strategy for Aegir in the context of a web cluster that uses glusterfs to keep the two servers in sync. We have not yet implemented such a cluster, but have been considering it for quite some time. Gluster prevents the single point of failure that nfs creates.

The question is, how can aegir be used to deploy platforms and sites to a gluster cluster?


We are trying to move from deploying code via clustering (rsynch) to pack (writing to a shared NFS). On our Red Hat, Drupal v6 seems to have problems using the NFS file caching. Possibly something about opening files in shared mode which is not compatible with NFS file cache. Does that sound similar to a problem anyone else has experienced ?